For those of you who wish to become members please see the subscription details below.
A yearly subscription for a couple or family is £8.
A similar subscription for an individual is £5 but if you are 25 years of age or under membership is free.
Membership runs up to 31 March of the following year.
It entitles you to:
But most of all, it helps the wood! It gives us a more secure financial footing from which to look after and improve the wood; to run the Friends group; to put on educational events and to undertake important surveys.
If you do wish to become a member, please send your subscription to:
Mick Warwick - 55 Longford Road, Bradway, Sheffield S17 4LP.
Cheques are payable to “Friends of Gillfield Wood”. Alternatively you may wish to set up a standing order at your bank for annual payments on 1 April to our Metro Bank account - Friends of Gillfield Wood; Account Number 43449915; Sort Code 23-05-80 or just make a BACS payment to this account. To join, please email your intentions to so our secretary can update the membership list and recognise the source of your payment.