For those of you who wish to become members please see the subscription details below.


A yearly subscription for a couple or family is £8.


A similar subscription for an individual is £5 but if you are 25 years of age or under membership is free.


Membership runs up to 31 March of the following year.


It entitles you to:  

  • free entry to most of our talks and guided walks which are usually £3 to guests (at   least 8 such events per year). If we pay for the speaker there is usually a £1 charge to members
  • regular e-mail of news and upcoming events
  • the opportunity to give your views on issues concerning the wood
  • stand for committee
  • vote at our AGMs

But most of all, it helps the wood! It gives us a more secure financial footing from which to look after and improve the wood; to run the Friends group; to put on educational events and to undertake important surveys. 


If you do wish to become a member, please send your subscription to:

Mick Warwick - 55 Longford Road, Bradway, Sheffield S17 4LP.   


Cheques are payable to “Friends of Gillfield Wood”. Alternatively you may wish to set up a standing order at your bank for annual payments on 1 April to our Metro Bank account - Friends of Gillfield Wood; Account Number 43449915; Sort Code 23-05-80 or just make a BACS payment to this account. To join, please email your intentions to so our secretary can update the membership list and recognise the source of your payment. 


Coming Soon (see Events page for further details):


Saturday 13th July: Bird and Butterfly walk


Friday 19th July: a walk through the woods  

There will be no Ranger led Conservation sessions until September. Please see emails and website for details of ad hoc sessions before then, led by FoGW committee members.


See Conservation Work page