INDOOR MEETINGS are held in the Totley Library and start at 7.30pm. There will be publicity advertising these events in the local press, on the website, emailed out and on posters located at various sites around Totley and in the Wood. All are very welcome to come along and join us. If you would like to offer to help with these in any way, please do get in touch with the Secretary:


Monday 15th April: FoGW AGM, followed by talk on Willow Tits by Jim Clarke. Totley Library, 7:30pm 


 There will be no Ranger led Conservation sessions until September. Please see emails and website for details of ad hoc sessions before then, led by FoGW committee members.


Saturday 13th July: Bird and Butterfly walk. Stuart Davies will be leading his next walk on Saturday 13th July. Meet at the end of Totley Hall Lane at 8.30am.

The walk will last most of the morning but feel free to leave earlier.

Free to members, donation of £3 asked for non-members.


Friday 19th July: Joe Bowden of the Peak District National Park will be leading a walk through the woods on Friday19th July focussing on the trees. Meet at 6.30pm at the end of Totley Hall Lane. Come and learn about the wood.


Attendance is limited to 15 people. Free to FOGW Members.


Please email me in advance if you wish to attend:

Coming Soon (see Events page for further details):


Saturday 13th July: Bird and Butterfly walk


Friday 19th July: a walk through the woods  

There will be no Ranger led Conservation sessions until September. Please see emails and website for details of ad hoc sessions before then, led by FoGW committee members.


See Conservation Work page