22nd January 2017


Thanks to TCV (The Conservation Volunteers) organisation who provided a mixed hedgerow selection of trees free of charge we were able to plant a new hedgerow at the bus terminus entrance to the wood during our conservation morning today. Hopefully it will grow into a wild-life friendly habitat over the next few years. 


Many thanks Chris Roberts (Ranger) and to those who turned out today. We soon warmed up once we started working

Sunday 17 September 2017


A great session on Sunday. Andy, Mick and Chris M. raking the meadow in the sun, perfect. Chris Roberts the photographer. (Thanks, Chris for the photo!)  Just the four of us all morning.

Coming Soon (see Events page for further details):


Saturday 13th July: Bird and Butterfly walk


Friday 19th July: a walk through the woods  

There will be no Ranger led Conservation sessions until September. Please see emails and website for details of ad hoc sessions before then, led by FoGW committee members.


See Conservation Work page